Kubernetes - Merging kubeconfig Files

Kubernetes - Merging kubeconfig Files

In this short article, we will look how we can merge a new kubeconfig file to an existing config file


1 min read


  • Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool to manage containerized applications

  • An important component of Kubernetes is kubeconfig, a configuration file used to connect to our clusters

  • A kubeconfig file contains the cluster name and endpoint, user credentials and the context


  • Make a copy of your existing kubeconfig file
$ cp ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config.bak
  • Merge the old and new kubeconfig files using the below command
$ KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:~/new-kubeconfig.yml \
             kubectl config view --flatten > ~/merged-kubeconfig.yml
  • Replace your old config with new merged config file
$ cp ~/merged-kubeconfig.yml ~/.kube/config
  • List the contexts, now you can see our new cluster
$ kubectl config get-contexts

