Prometheus - Architecture - Part 1
In the first part of the series we will look Prometheus introduction, features and its components
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting tool
Originally built by SoundCloud in 2012
Donated to Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2016
Second project hosted by CNCF after Kubernetes
CNCF graduated project
Collects and stores its metrics as time series data
Metrics information is stored with the timestamp at which it was recorded
Optional key-value pairs called labels are also stored
Multi-dimensional data model — allows to define and store time-series data with multiple dimensions
PromQL — a query language to perform complex queries and calculations on metrics data
Time-series collection — can collect metrics data from a wide range of sources, including servers, applications, and databases
Data retention — can set retention policies on the metrics data
Service discovery — can automatically discover and monitor new services in a dynamic infrastructure
Exporters — different types of agents available for collecting metrics from different types of sources
Grafana integration — can easily be integrated with Grafana for visualization and custom dashboards
Alerting — can alert stakeholders when an issue occurs
Prometheus Server
The main component of Prometheus
Collects, stores and serves metrics data
Follows a pull-based model for collecting metric data
Periodically queries the targets configured in the scrape configuration
Uses HTTP or HTTPS protocol
Stores the data in a time-series database
Time-series database allows Prometheus to do operations like querying, aggregation and visualization
Agents that collect and expose metrics data from applications or third-party systems
Written in a wide variety of programming languages
Designed to be lightweight and easy to deploy
Scrape metrics data from a target and expose it on an HTTP endpoint
Metrics data is returned in a text-based format such as plain text, JSON, or protobuf
Official exporters are maintained by Prometheus GitHub Organization like Node Exporter, MySQL Exporter etc
Unofficial exporters are externally contributed and maintained like Apache Exporter, PostgreSQL Exporter etc
Manages alerts generated by Prometheus
Receives alerts from Prometheus and groups them based on criteria like severity
Based on routing rules, it sends a notification to various receivers like Email, Slack, Pagerduty etc
Applies a set of deduplication rules to ensure that alerts are not sent multiple times for the same issue
Provides web interface that allows users to view and manage alerts
Prometheus follows a pull-based model for collecting metrics data
Sometimes we need to push metrics to Prometheus which cannot be scraped
Helps to push metrics to Prometheus instead of pulling metric
Best suitable for short-lived jobs
Provides an HTTP API for pushing metrics from short-lived jobs
Service Discovery
Process of identifying and monitoring systems automatically
Helps Prometheus to keep track of different services which are running
Supports a variety of service discovery options for discovering scrape targets like Kubernetes, Consul, Docker etc
If you need a service discovery system that is currently not supported, we can use file-based service discovery
Enables you to list scrape targets in a JSON file along with metadata
Metadata is a piece of useful information about targets, like the name of the service, description etc
HTTP service discovery helps to discover targets over an HTTP endpoint an alternative to file-based service discovery
Client Libraries
Set of libraries that allows developers to instrument their applications to expose metrics to Prometheus
It exposes an HTTP endpoint and Prometheus can scrape metrics from these HTTP endpoints and store them in a time-series database
Once the metrics are stored, Prometheus can generate graphs, reports and alerts based on the data
Helps developers to get insights into their application performance
Official client libraries are available in many programming languages like Go, Python, Java etc
Unofficial client libraries are also available for C, C++, Node.js etc